Consumer and Colleague safety systems – ensure a safe environment

When we need to reduce points of human touch, increase social distancing by avoiding queues and ensure a safe working environment, our Consumer and Colleague safety systems can ensure a safe environment.

Take care of your staff and your consumers safely

Maintaining a safe and secure store is crucial to operating in some circumstances regulated by local authorities. Staff and consumer safety are key, so they feel safe when working or visiting your store. We at ITAB have a wide range of solutions to support you and keep your store open; it is constantly being developed further to support.

Improved consumer experience

In an extraordinary situation like a pandemic, safety comes first. How can the retailer keep staff and consumers safe during their visit? Our occupancy and queue management solutions allow consumers to plan their visit in advance; informing when it is safe to enter the facility also reduces waiting time for consumer.

Increase conversion and sales

Giving consumers first-hand information on when it is safe to visit the store or offering a pre-booked appointment allows them to shop safely and with less stress.

Efficiency and service

Our acrylic screens on the checkouts allow staff to operate the store and provide proper service to consumers.

Our Consumer & Colleague safety systems