ITAB Whistleblowing Service
Our employees, business partners and other stakeholders play a key role in helping us to identify any deviations, both intentional or by mistake, from our values and ethical guidelines.
We want to do what is right
To make it easier to identify irregularities that can seriously damage our business and/or our employees, ITAB has established a whistleblowing service that allows concerns or suspicions of misconduct to be reported.
The whistleblowing service is an important tool for reducing risks and fostering high business ethics and thereby maintaining customer and public confidence in our operations.
Irregularities to be reported through the system can concern illegal activities, financial criminality, bribery and corruption, breach of competition legislation, serious cases of environment offenses or security failings that can put the lives and health of our employees or other persons at risk.
All cases reported will be processed and, when deemed appropriate, taken action upon in accordance with our established processes and without any undue delays.
More information & access
For more information about our whistleblowing service and/or to report concerns or suspicions of misconduct, please visit our whistleblowing system by clicking on the link below.
Our whistleblowing service is open to anyone and available in the following languages;
Čeština (Czech), Deutsch (German), English (English), Français (French), Italiano (Italian), Latviešu (Latvian), Lietuvių (Lithuanian), Nederlands (Dutch), Norsk (Norwegian), and Svenska (Swedish).
Even though the information might not be available in your language, you can always write the report in your preferred language.
The whistleblowing reports can be done both openly (in a person’s own name) or anonymously.
Please note that ITAB’s whistleblowing system is compliant with data privacy settings and GDPR. The service also comprises separate systems for the individual legal entities within the Group in accordance with European legislation on whistleblowing. ITAB assumes that all whistleblowing reporting is done in good faith. Should we discover that this is not the case, sanctions may be applied and you may not be protected as a whistleblower under applicable whistleblowing legislation.