Customised Checkout Solutions with a personal touch
At ITAB, we see checkouts as a profile-enhancing extension of the store, and we develop them exclusively for our clients. We create checkouts that emphasize the concept while being linked to the rest of the fittings.
We can adapt the functions of checkouts to your needs and the demands of your consumers and staff. We transform your ideas into an actual product. Interaction between the consumer and cashier with maximization of the throughput.
Exclusive solutions for each retail chain
Each retail chain wants to be unique and has its own recognisable brand.
Having a long history of cooperation with our customers, ITAB creates complete customer unique solutions for a checkout zone that will be recognizable only for the particular retail chain.
Creating solutions together with the customer we learn and analyse the existing consumer experience, make improvements in ergonomics, add extra functions that can maximize the throughput and reduce queuing in the stores.
ITAB offers inimitable customized checkout solutions in a different shape with a wide range of accessories adapted for customer needs and demands.
Improved consumer experience
Together with our customers, we develop a solution that requires current demands. We build checkouts to be an extension of the store, and we design them exclusively for our clients. We create checkouts that emphasise the concept of the whole store.
Working together with our customers and studying their experience we make different adaptations to the customised checkout that improve efficiency, service and give a possibility to meet clients’ needs and expectations.
Efficiency and service
We calculate, simulate and build the solution based on our and customer’s experience, extensive knowledge of store flows, capacity measurements, ergonomics and new trends.
Reduce operational cost
We create solutions where a double checkout can be operated by one person only, or some of our checkout models are developed for being positioned close to the self checkout (SCO) area so that the attendant could efficiently serve the customers in the self-checkout zone and through manned checkout if needed.
This video describes our approach to developing unique solutions based on joint work with our customers.
Watch the process of creation and production of checkouts in one of our production facilities in Germany. We use the same production process in our other factories around the world.