Powerful one-directional wall washer ExO 1 NA
- Product is title 24 compatible
- Delivered standard with Nordic Light 1 circuit adapter. Alternatively available with J or L 1C adapters and NL 3 C adapter
- Very easy to adjust and flexible spacing
- Symmetrical and asymmetrical light distribution in the same design
- Available in white, black and grey

A powerful one-directional wall washer ideally suited for even and smooth wall washing in any retail environment. The ExO 1 can be spaced far apart on the track and still provide effective lighting. This results in lower initial, installation and running costs. Indirect lighting minimises glare resulting in a calm yet bright retail environment where light, and the consumer’s attention, is focused fully on the goods on display.
Track -based wall washer for indoor applications. Product available in other Kelvin temperatures on request.

Technical Specification
Product Code | Colour | Control | CRI & light colour | Delivered lumen output (lm) | Light distribution | Product Name | System power (W) |