

of millennials suggest that in-store shopping is still their preferred retail channel, even with those who regularly engage in online shopping ¹


of UK consumers prefer to buy from companies that are reducing their use of plastics and two thirds want greater transparency in how companies source their materials ²


of online-shoppers value speed and efficiency above stock availability and return services ³


Consumer focused research to help define target audiences and their needs, as well as in-sector and out-of-sector insights and inspiration focus.


Datenerfassung und -analyse zu Verhaltensweisen und Markenleistung, um das Erlebnis zu verbessern und Engagement und Umsatz zu steigern.


Einbindung von Stakeholdern und gemeinsame Workshops zur Erstellung eines robusten Business Case, der den Renditeerfolg erhöht. Unterstützung von Markensafaris und individuellen Studien durch das globale ITAB-Netzwerk.