Co-op Farringdon, hosted proposition
Co-op set out to deliver a new front-end ‘colleague hosted’ and 3rd party fulfilment service for their inner-city consumers. ITAB and Co-op co-created the new front end service proposition, which has been implemented in the Farringdon store in London. The new concept is delivering a speedier and more comprehensive service, improving consumer satisfaction and operational efficiency.
Improved format development
Working closely with Co-op, ITAB designed and developed a scalable and more efficient layout for smaller format stores. Through immersive working sessions the joint team were able to develop a formula that supports floating colleagues, provides greater visibility, and maintains consumer flow during busy periods throughout the day.
Flexible, scalable, and innovative furniture design
By walking the end-to-end journey through the lens of consumers, ITAB supported Co-op in improving the consumer journey and developing furniture suitable for high volume roll out. Through solution design, Co-op eased consumer selection, reduced stress at point of payment, and improved conversion by heightening impulse options
Greater choice through self-serve
Consumers are demanding greater choice and convenience in-store, especially around point of payment and fulfilment. Co-op Farringdon incorporates intelligent design thinking that best meets these requirements. It features a greater number of self-serve tills and an improved layout, which provides clear routes for consumers looking for speedier card payment compared to assisted service transactions.